1. The Listening Game
This game can engage your child’s senses and help him improve his listening skills.
What You Will Need
Several objects like toys, combs, salt shakers, spoon, etc.
How to Play
- Place the objects before the child and let him observe
- Now have your child close his eyes
- One by one, use individual objects to create a sound and have your child guess what object it was.
You can use a blindfold to ensure that your child doesn’t get tempted to peak.
2. Bubbles
This is one of the easiest ways to enjoy bubbles indoor without creating a mess.
What You Will Need
- Straw
- Dishwashing soap
- Plate
How to Play
- Place a small amount of dishwashing soap on a plate and pour some water on it and mix it until some suds begin to form
- Ask your child to place one end of the straw in the suds and blow gently from the other end to make bubbles
You can play this with several kids and see who can make the largest bubble.
3. Simon Says
Simon says is a classic game that can be enjoyed by all the members of the family.
What You Will Need
Space to play
How to Play
- Instruct your kids that they are to do what you say only if you start the command with the phrase ‘Simon says…’
- If you say anything without saying the phrase, they aren’t supposed to do it. If they do, they will be out of the game.
- The last person to follow all the commands accurately wins and gets to become the next Simon.
Make the game more challenging by tricking the children.
4. Touch and Feel Box
This entertaining game can be a good learning experience and teach the children to identify the object by touch alone.
What You Will Need
- Shoe box
- Different objects
How to Play
- Cut out a hole in the shoe box big enough for the child to fit his hand inside.
- Place different items in the box and ask your child to identify them by touch alone.
Make the game fun by adding objects of varying textures.
5. Playdough
Give your child some playdough, and you can see his creativity unfold.
What You Will Need
How to Play
Set your child at a table or in his room with play dough and ask him to create anything that he likes
You can also give him names of specific objects and ask him to mould them to improve his cognitive skills.
6. Imaginary cooking
If your child shows interest in the kitchen, this can be the perfect game for him/her.
What You Will Need
Simple utensils or a cooking set
How to Play
- Give your kids access to a few utensils, and you can watch as their imaginary cooking skills unfold
- You can also place orders for them to prepare.
You can give your child simple cut vegetables to make it all more real.
7. Family Photo Game
This game can improve your child’s memory.
What You Will Need
10 or more family photos
How to Play
- Arrange the photos in front of your child
- Call out the name of the family member and your child should be able to identify them in the photo and point them out
- You can also name the location and with for your child to point out.
You can play this game with pictures of other places and objects as well.
8. Kids Yoga
Yoga is a great activity to enhance flexibility in your kids.
What You Will Need
- Flashcards with pictures of the postures
- Yoga mat or a carpet/
How to Play
- Teach your child simple yoga poses and encourage him to do it when you name it
- You can use flashcards with the names and pictures of the postures to help your kid remember.
Make the activity more engaging by teaching your kids animal poses and playing songs during the activity.
Balloon Ball
This game also improves a child’s hand-eye coordination.
What You Will Need
How to Play
- Blow up some balloons and play throw and catch with your child.
- You can also challenge your child to gently tap the balloon against the ground to keep it in the air.
This game can be challenging with more than one balloon of different colours.
Home Band
Create a musical instrument with simple things from around the house and encourage your child to play.
What You Will Need
- Buckets
- Shakers made of a plastic bottle with beans or coins
- Any other utensil or container that can be used.
How to Play
- Provide your child with these objects and allow him to get creative.
- You can even sing along for a better experience.
Keep adding objects to the mix to encourage his creativity further.